Thursday, April 24, 2008

Food For Thought

The whole world is a global village.Imagine that the village is composed of 100 inhabitants, there will be:59 Asians, 14 Africans, 4 Americans, 13 Europeans.There will also be 51 women and 49 men.We will count 50 young people under the age of 25.20 persons (only men) will possess 80% of the village and of its wealth.Only 1 woman will possess her own land.Between 5 or 6 women would have been violated.42 persons will never have access to water.50 persons would live in the centre of the small village.50 others would be dispersed in the surroundings.33 inhabitants would live in a situation of armed conflicts, between which 23 would be women.5 men and 1 woman would be military or policemen.5 children would work in slavery conditions and 1 little girl would be working as household without being paid.60 persons would be able to read, write and count. 40 of them would be men.50 inhabitants would have access to health care.20 persons would have access to a computer, 15 of them with internet connection.1 person would be considered as rich, by possessing more than 50% of the village and of its wealth.80 persons would have a religion, 40 of them would be obliged to practice it.The library of the village would be only accessible to 24 persons.The cinema would be visited each week by a person, always the same.The electricity would be cut approximately 50% of the time, 30 persons would be wasting 90% of the natural and energy resources of the village.The figures can go on for pages and pages. This allows us to put again into perspective each of us on this planet, and to measure what we are, us, human beings. If you want to help the Tiger Foundation please contact Mark Philpott at

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